9th November, 2021

School Calendar Dates

15th Nov - Mondays after school Basketball Clubs
11th November - Early Years & Classes 1 - 3 Martinmas Lantern Walk 
25th - 26th November - Advent Preparation Days (no school)
28th November - Kindergarten & Seedlings Advent Spiral
13th - 17th Dec - Salvation Army’s Christmas Present Appeal 
17th December (1pm) - End of Term 

22nd February - Bikeability Clubs restart

25th April - Tennis Clubs start: Classes 5 - 8 / Classes 9 - 12
21st May - Spring Fair

Click on any link above to learn more. 

College News

College News is written this term by Alistair Pugh - Co-Chair of College. It is emailed out to all parents of enrolled children, as well as linked to here each week. 
Appointments can be booked during the above times through the School Office. Please give the Office Staff your details and when and how you would prefer to be contacted. 

Class 5 Celebrate Diwali With Declaiming & Dancing 

As part of their Main Lesson on Ancient India and to celebrate Diwali, Class 5 performed a poem with self-choreographed movements for Classes 1, 2  and 3 in the School Hall on Thursday morning. Their dance was inspired by a performance by Class 10 pupil, Himika, to Class 5 earlier in the Main Lesson block.

Diwali  is the Hindu festival of lights, which symbolises the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.
They later performed it to Himika, which was also recorded, so as to be shared with Class 5 family parents later in the week. 
Gallery of buddha drawings can be viewed here

Wheelie Thursdays Are Back

Pupils are welcome to bring in skateboards, roller boots and rollerblades on Thursdays for lunchtime 'wheelie' time on the tarmac.  

Follow Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship

Fran Russell is the SWSF Executive Director. You can follow her twitter account here.

SWSF Facebook account is here; as well as their LinkedIn account and website.
Founded in 1953, the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship is the national association of Steiner Waldorf education in the UK and Ireland. 

They represent Steiner Waldorf education nationally including to government, its agencies, the media and in the wider educational sector. 

They also work with the Steiner Waldorf movement worldwide through the membership of the European Council of Steiner Waldorf Educators Council (ECSWE) and through liaison with other national associations around the globe.

West Coach House Gets A New Roof


Our School has a distinctive character, sitting on three acres within a protected conservation area; blending C-listed buildings with purpose-built child-friendly architecture, serving to enhance our pupils’ learning experience.

The West Coach House is a 70m2 outbuilding. Its original roof, built in the 19th Century, has now been entirely removed and replaced with a new one with modern insulating materials. Similar to its adjoining C-listed East Coach House, Hutton & Reed will reuse the original scotch slates, hand-cutting them to a uniform size.  

Nominate ESS For £1k Movement For Good Grant


Edinburgh Steiner School Trust is one of 120 charities in Movement for Good's 12 Days of Christmas not-for-profit grant draw. For 12 days – as part of the philanthropic organisation's movement for good – they will be making £120,000 in donations to not-for-profits, registered charities and community interest groups to help them deliver their vital work.

Please nominate ESS for this grant, which will go towards Growing Spaces, our ambitious campus campus development project. 
By nominating our school, you are entering us for the chance to win £1,000. Nominations will remain open until midnight the day before each draw. Draws will take place each weekday from 6th - 21st Dec.

Class 8 Clean Crayons For African Waldorf School 

Class 8 cleaned and organised the donations of Stockmar crayons and Lyra
giant pencils on Thursday, in preparation to post to the Kenyan Waldorf School where our former Class 1 - 8 Teacher, Barbara Scott, is helping to set up a school.  

25 sets of crayons were able to be collated from the donations, in addition to £158 from several parents. This money is first being used to pay for new paint brushes, then the postage. 

Sending the materials to Africa is actually very economical – it goes First Class in the UK, but then is free
via Forces Post. Thank you to all those who rummaged out their old Steiner materials to be re-loved at the Waldorf school in Kenya.  
Barbara Scott shared some images of the school these supplies will benefit. 

After School Tennis Club In The Summer Term

Edinburgh Steiner School is very excited to announce a new addition to the Extra Curricular Programme for the upcoming Summer Term. Mr Sheen will be sharing his love, passion, expertise and experience on the tennis court.

The School will be renting local tennis courts (exact location tbc) after school on Mondays for two groups. 3:30pm to 4:30pm for pupils in Classes 6,7 and 8, followed by 4:30pm to 5:30 pm for Classes 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Prior to doing his Waldorf Teacher Training in the USA and starting his career as a Movement/Physical Education Teacher there, Mr Sheen was a full time, year round Tennis Coaching professional working in the Mid Sussex UK area. He taught a wide variety of age groups working in local schools, tennis clubs and gave numerous group and individual lessons spanning nearly a decade. He also took over and ran the very successful and popular Matchpoint Tennis Camps held at Ardingly College, which have a rich history and are still going strong today. Mr Sheen is very much looking forward to getting out on the tennis courts with those pupils who are wishing to learn, improve their tennis and are willing to work hard and have fun.

Tennis is also being introduced in the summer term during the timetabled PE lessons with all Classes. 

It is advised pupils have their own tennis racket for the Club, however some can be provided by the School, along with all tennis balls. 
These 1 hour lessons dovetail the end of the school day. Peter Sheen will escort Classes 6 - 8 to the tennis courts; and pick up will be from the courts. Upper School pupils will make their own way to the courts after school.  

The local venue will provide lessons for up to 12 pupils in each Club.
The outside courts are a short walk away. Alternatively, pupils can use their free Lothian Bus Pass(valid from 31st January) to travel to the Club, taking bus No 10 or 27 door-to-door from the school gates to the venue. 

Classes 6 - 8 Tennis Club (Mondays, 3.30pm - 4.30pm)
Upper School Tennis Club (Mondays, 4.30pm - 5.30pm)

Class 4 Sew COP26 Message To World Leaders

Teacher Leonie Le Maistre has been doing a project with our group of 9 - 10 year old children connected with climate change and the Cop26 meeting in Glasgow: each drew a picture of an endangered animal, and then sewed a fabric version of the same animal onto a square material. These then created a patchwork that became part of a much longer washing line of beautiful, crafted sections made by Stitches for Survival, a group of knitters, crocheters, stitchers and crafters from across the world, stretching 1.5 miles long.
The scarf was hung at the weekend's Cop26 protests, with messages for our leaders and the world.

Class 4 pupil Bella and her family travelled through to Glasgow on Saturday to peg her Class's contribution.

The scarf length represents the 1.5 degree target in the Paris Agreement.
This Class 4 project is part of a larger one which is reviving an environmental children’s theatre piece from 30 years ago called Sinking Ark by Ms Le Maistre's father, Malcolm, performed at our school. A song from the play lists 15 animals, which at the time were endangered. Some are now protected. 
The children are learning the song for a production in the near future; and Malcolm has been posting a drawing a day on his social media page.

World renowned conservationist and environmental campaigner David Bellamy told the audience after a performance at the Glasgow Environmental Festival in 1991: "This is the best bit of environmental theatre I have ever seen".

Cybercivics: De-‘Tech’-Tive Work

The school is now subscribed to Cybercivics, a middle school curriculum aimed at inculcating “Digital Citizenship” – norms, appropriate and responsible technology usage.

Some schools explicitly teach civics, but in our school we bring out the civic from the social, with one level of socialisation from kindergarten coming into a new level in the Lower School. Themes return in the curriculum, even up to topics like Parsival.

We are acquainted with the idea of “forces” at play in society, with unbridled and uncontextualised access to technology being one of those forces that we need to take into account. We want children to leave school as “ethical, safe and productive digital citizens”. The lessons are about “tech” and the role it can play and how we interact with it. 

Cybercivics comes out of the Waldorf school movement in the US. It is considered a fair fit with our context, for example the idea of “waiting til 8” (Class 8) to get smartphones.

There are letters to introduce topics to parents. (An example lesson is attached, as well as a list of topics covered in each level: Course Overview)

Stay In The Loop

Edinburgh Steiner School's social media pages for the School, Early Years, Growing Spaces, Teacher Training Course and Christmas Market can be found here.  

Putting An Advert In The Tuesday Notice

Edinburgh Steiner School’s weekly news ezine is sent out to 720 recipients’ inboxes every term-time Tuesday. (View the most recent Tuesday Notices here).


Anyone sharing a relationship with the School is welcome to submit a Notice for the upcoming edition(s) at £5 per edition (paid through the online school shop here), ordered in first-come-first-appears. Submissions are up to 100 words and can include link(s) to an external website and/or social media page(s).


Steiner Waldorf education acknowledges pupils are profoundly affected by their built environment. All proceeds from Notices go towards the School’s Growing Spaces Project, benefiting all current and future ESS pupils.


Submission Forms are downloaded here. Once completed, this can be emailed back to by Friday noon before the first edition you would like your Notice to appear in.


Future publication dates for the Autumn Term 2021 are:

November 16th, 23rd, 30th

Dec 7th, 14th

Edinburgh Steiner School Session Dates

Cello Teacher On Campus

I am very much looking forward to meeting some new cello pupils! I have been teaching cello at the School for 15 years and have become increasingly interested in the many ways that learning to play a musical instrument nurtures our whole beings. Learning to quieten our minds and listen to the innate wisdom of our bodies is one such way. The cello is particularly rewarding instrument as it produces such wonderful vibrations and resonances. 

I am happy to meet with interested pupils aged 7 or older and will help to find a suitable instrument for renting or buying. Lessons are weekly during term time and  cost £16 for 30 minutes. Please email or call to talk further.

Contact details:

Helen Duncan 07914 909 553

Seeking Room To Rent Near School

I am looking for a room to rent ( longer term is preferable) from March onwards. I have a small dog. I can pay up to five hundred pounds a month. In commuting distance to the school required. 

Please contact the School Office if you have any questions. 
Many thanks,  Alba. 

Calendar By Former ESS Scholar

I have just released my 2022 Calendars, featuring 12 of my favourite photos taken over the last year from Scotland and England.

Every calendar is hand printed on high quality gloss paper in Leith, Edinburgh and is wire bound ready to be hung up. Each picture can be cut out and kept as a print at the end of the year. Every purchase helps me out massively and allows me to keep travelling and creating content!

Calendars can be purchased from my website: They will begin shipping during the first week of November and should arrive with plenty of time before Christmas. Shipping is £2.50 to the UK and £7.99 worldwide. See pdf

Peripatetic Guitar Lessons On Campus

From a teacher with a huge amount of experience, both teaching and performing (as well as a parent of the School, and PVG registered). 

Classical: Advanced Certificate LRSM
Flamenco: 4 years study, concerts and TV appearances in Spain
Electric: Guitar Institute Certificate, London

Mobile: 07425388992

30 min lessons (£15) 
Classical: Advanced Certificate LRSM
Flamenco: 4 years study, concerts and TV appearances in Spain
Electric: Guitar Institute Certificate, London

From October 27th there will be the opportunity to change to a time slot during the School day on campus (with appropriate lesson time discussed with pupil's Class Teacher ahead of booking). Flyer


Sarah Miller works alongside Alistair Pugh (Co-Chair of College), and Trustee Layla Tree. 

The Tuesday Notice is produced by the Communications Team and edited by Helen Newton - School Coordinator and Alistair Pugh.
Tel: 0131 337 3410   Ext 3 
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